Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The Reading Rush TBR

It's read-a-thon time! The last handful of summers something called the Booktube-A-Thon took place, and now it has been rebranded and renamed to The Reading Rush. The Reading Rush was created by Ariel Bissett (the creator of the Booktube-A-Thon) and Raeleen Lemay. Every year Ariel put so much time and effort into the BookTube-A-Thon and it always showed, and now her and Raeleen really kicked it into gear with creating a website. On this website you make a profile and once the read-a-thon begins you'll be able to update your reading progress, earn badges, make new reading buddies, and if you're in the mood for some retail therapy or maybe want to buy books for the read-a-thon you can find a list of 100 discounted books from Book Depository. The Reading Rush also has a YouTube channel. This year this week long read-a-thon will take place July 22-28th.

Like every year, there is a list of seven reading challenges to make it a more fun experience. You do not need to complete these challenges to participate, but I always do because it makes it more exciting for me. Plus, it helps me figure out what books to read. So in this post I will be discussing the challenges and the books  I'll be reading to complete those challenges.

If you're interested in being friends here is the link to my profile! Let's be reading buddies and cheer each other on!

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The Reading Rush Reading Challenges 


The Case For Jamie
Brittany Cavallaro 
Challenge: Read a book with purple on the cover. 

I thought this was the perfect time to continue the Charlotte Holmes story! I am so excited to continue. Although the second book wasn't as good as the first for me, I hear great things about this one! Obviously, the book cover is covered in purple so it felt like a sign that this was time to pick it up! Plus, these quick mystery stories are always really easy to fly through and get addicted to which is perfect.

Mini Marvels: The Complete Collection
Chris Giarrusso 
Challenge: Read a book in the same spot the entire time. 

Honestly, most of the time I read in the same spot anyway, so I guarantee like 98% of these books will be read in the same spot. However, I picked this one because it is such a short and sweet comic collection. Just in case I decide to venture outside my normal reading spot and want to try a different area I thought a short book was probably the best for this challenge. I have read this before but it's been a handful of years. I remember absolutely loving everything about it so I am excited. 

Anger Is A Gift
Mark Oshiro
Challenge: Read a book you meant to read last year. 

This book has been recommended to me so many times, and I have not been able to stop thinking about it. Last year I wanted to read it but didn't get around to picking it up so this is the perfect opportunity. I do not know too much about this one, but I hear it's an emotional read so I am trying to mentally prepare myself for any heartbreak coming my way. 

The Last Namsara
Kristen Ciccarelli 
Challenge: Read an author's first book.

This is a book that Matt, my fiancé, got me for Valentines 2018 and I still haven't read it, which I am so frustrated at myself about. So finally, I am going to read this book! I hear nothing but amazing things and I thought I'd be a bit daring and pick a fantasy book! Fantasy novels aren't always the best choice for read-a-thons but I think I can do it! 

Moonstruck Vol. 2: Some Enchanted Evening 
Grace Ellis
Challenge: Read a book with a non-human main character. 
I am so exciting to continue the Moonstruck series! I loved the first one so much, it was such a cute little story with so much diversity and the art is gorgeous. It's about a werewolf named Julie and a bunch of her supernatural friends and honestly it's pure, wholesome, and adorable. Perfect for a quick read if The Last Namsara slows me down a bit.
Veronica Mars: Mr. Kiss and Tell
Rob Thomas & Jennifer Graham 
Challenge: Read a book with five or more words in the title.

I am cheating and counting the "Veronica Mars" part of the title because I am in a Veronica Mars mood but I don't have time to re-watch the show before the new season (we are getting a new season!!) comes out. So I wanted to finally read this book. It's the second book (and maybe last? I assume now that we are getting more Veronica Mars) in the Veronica Mars universe. The first one, Thousand Dollar Tan Line is really good and I am excited to read the second one. 

Like the show, it's addictive and easy to fly through so I am hoping to read this quickly. I love Veronica so much so hopefully it helps hype me up, since the day after this read-a-thon ends is when the new season is released! 

Catching Fire
Suzanne Collins 
Challenge: Read and watch a book to movie adaptation.

 I read The Hunger Games not too long ago and I am all ready to read the sequel. The announcement of the prequels has me in such a mood to read and watch theses books/movies again. 

So that is my plans for The Reading Rush! I am so excited to have fun and focus a whole week to only reading. I am just getting out of a slump so this is exactly what I need. If you plan on participating please friend me on The Reading Rush website so we can be reading buddies! I am excited to cheer people on and just overall have a good time. I'll also be updating on my Instagram and Twitter if you're interested in cheering each other on there as well! If you have a TBR post/video please link it in the comments below so I can find out what you're planning on reading!

Thank you for reading!


  1. Good luck! Catching Fire is my favorite book in THG series. :)

  2. Good luck with the readathon!! One more day to go! :)

    1. Thanks E! I definitely didn't "win" but with all the wedding stuff I am happy with how it went :D
