Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Nanowrimo: Week Three Updates!

NaNoWriMo week three is completed and here are all my thoughts and feelings on how the week went for me! For anyone who is unsure what NaNoWriMo is, it's a yearly challenge where you're encouraged to write 50K words in a month because that evens out to a short novel length. So you're basically writing a book in a month. Each day the goal is to write 1,667 words a day till the end. I have been participating in NaNoWriMo for seven years now but I have only "won" (which meansI wrote 50K in the month, it's not an actual contest to win a prize. The prize is your novel.) three times. So it's challenging, but I am taking it more seriously. For more information I recommend checking out their website,

Past NaNoWriMo Updates! 

Week One
Week Two 

Week three was pretty great after how rough week two was for me! My tooth pain persisted throughout the entire week (yesterday being the first day I had zero pain all day, thank goodness) and I forced myself to write through the pain. Thankfully, it payed off because I am ahead of schedule (by 7K+ words!!) and loving my story. The only day I took off was yesterday, but that was more because of a couple reasons, one: I think I'm getting a cold and I'm feeling a bit crummy, two: I didn't get much sleep and keeping my eyes open was a bit of a challenge and three: all of my time went to the new Animal Crossing app. Whoops.

According to my stats, I should finish my novel by Sunday the 26th, but I am hoping if I can push through and have it earlier. I am right at the end of my story, and then I have to write a few scenes I skipped to get to the more exciting parts.

Currently my word count is at 42,037 words and I am really proud of that. I have been really loving my story and characters. I am so excited to go back and re-write and edit it.

One thing this experience has taught me is that when you take this seriously, it is really rewarding. This week in particular was really amazing because as I was writing something in my plot just clicked and I felt a rush of excitement about it. I forgot how exciting writing was, and I plan on keeping on writing even after November is over. Maybe I'll edit this book a bunch and try to do something with it.

I really cannot wait to edit this book.  I think I want to completely re-write it so it's all one coherent story, and then I want to leave it alone for a while before jumping in and editing it. I am really excited to re-write it and edit it but I also don't want to do it too soon and then not give my enough time rest/forget some parts. Hopefully if I give it enough time then I can look at it with a fresh pair of eyes.

Overall, I am really enjoying this year's NaNoWriMo experience. I only have 7,963 words to go! Wish me luck! How has NaNoWriMo been for you? Are you happy with how your story is going?

Thanks for reading!