Wednesday, November 15, 2017

NaNoWriMo: Week Two Updates!

NaNoWriMo week two is completed and here are all my thoughts and feelings on how the week went for me! For anyone who is unsure what NaNoWriMo is, it's a yearly challenge where you're encouraged to write 50K words in a month because that evens out to a short novel length. So you're basically writing a book in a month. Each day the goal is to write 1,667 words a day till the end. I have been participating in NaNoWriMo for seven years now but I have only "won" (which meansI wrote 50K in the month, it's not an actual contest to win a prize. The prize is your novel.) three times. So it's challenging, but I am taking it more seriously. For more information I recommend checking out their website,

Past Updates for NaNoWriMo 2017

Week One!

Phew! Week two has definitely challenged my ability to be committed to NaNoWriMo this year. Right after my first week update went up I started getting some serious pain in one of my teeth. Turns out I had an infection in one of my teeth. I needed a root canal (which I had with anesthetic that wasn't fully working because the infection was so strong) and I've been trying to write through all the pain. This unfortunately made it so for two days out of the last seven, I unfortunately did not write at all. However, that being said I am still pretty happy with my progress this week.

The ninth, the worst day when it came to my pain, I could barely do anything never mind write. And yesterday, the thirteenth, I decided not to write because my root canal was pretty painful and I was feeling pretty drained.

However, other than that I am feeling really good about my story and progress. According to my stats I am ahead in words by 2,299 which will be super helpful as I keep writing.

I am having the most issues this time around stopping myself from editing. I have so many words and pages now and things have changed and evolved as I wrote that I kind of want to go back and fix everything. But instead I am writing notes in each section so future editing Heather knows what past Heather wanted.

I've also already have an idea for a spin off or a second book. Which is exciting and it'll give me something to do once I am done writing the first one. I am hoping to first edit and feel more confident in this first story before moving onto the second but the fact that my brain is still thinking of other ideas despite being worked so hard writing my NaNo project makes me pretty happy.

Just like last week I am still kind of pantsing everything. Not to sound incredibly cheesy but it's been weird because although I don't know what I am going to write or where the story will go at the same time as I write it feels like I have a plan. It's felt really natural. Which has been helping when it comes to writing quickly but also helping to stay motivated.

But boy does it need editing. I have a lot of important information and I am trying to make it all work as naturally as possible. It's going to take some serious editing but honestly I am really excited to do the editing in December.

How has NaNoWriMo been going for you? Are you enjoying your story? What kind of hurdles are you facing this week? Good luck with week three! And like last week I will link my NaNoWriMo twitter thread here. Every day I update and just tweet about how my writing has been going! Also if you want to be writing buddies my name is OwlTown21 you're welcome to add me as a buddy so we can check each other's progress! You can also message me on there if you want to chat. I'd always love more writing (or book) friends. 

Thanks for reading!

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