Friday, July 27, 2018

[Book Blogger Hop] July 27th-August 2nd: Should Bloggers Disclose Their Names?

Book Blogger Hop's purpose is to give bloggers a chance to discover and follow other blogs, learn about new books, befriend bloggers, and gain followers. Each week the hop will start on a Friday and end on Thursday where there will be a weekly prompt following a bookish question.


Do you agree or disagree with this statement: A blogger's first name should be in a prominent place on his/her blog.  (submitted by Elizabeth @ Silver's Reviews)


No, I don't think it should be required for a blogger to disclose their name in order to run their blog. However, I do think it's important that there be SOME name available for us (the readers) so we know how to refer to the blogger. My blog name has my first name right in there, so it's easy, but if my blog name was, "Reading Hideaway" let's say, I think it would get tedious for people to refer to me as "Reading Hideaway" every time. I think it's totally reasonable to not be comfortable to disclose your name, but I would say it would be important to have some sort of name for readers to call you. Whether that be a fake name or a self proclaimed nickname. I think it helps build a closer connection between bloggers and their readers and it helps any authors or publishers know whom to address. But in the end, every blogger should do what they feel is best for their blogs and for themselves.

Thanks for reading!


  1. I didn't mean your full name...a first name is what I like to see.

    Thanks for your thorough answer.

    1. Oh yeah! I know. But I know some people are even wary of giving out their actual name even if it’s just a first name. I do think it’s important to have some sort of name present for readers of your blog to refer to you! Or like I said book publishers or authors.

      Thanks! Have a good weekend! <3

  2. I definitely agree with you. While I don't mind sharing my first name as a blogger, I can understand wanting to maintain some anonymity while reviewing and using a pseudonym or nickname instead for blogging purposes.

    Have a great weekend. - Katie

    1. Yeah! I don't mind sharing my name but I can respect and understand the notion of wanting to keep your online blogger life from your real life. Especially if your reading tastes or whatever isn't accepted with your IRL friends or family. I like the idea of using a pseudonym a lot and I think it adds some fun to it.

      Have a great weekend Katie! :)

  3. Heather what a lovely answer. I do think it'd be nice to have a name, but great idea on a pen name for those that don't want their real name?

    Angelica @ Paperback Princess

    1. Thank you! It kind of reminds me of everyone had usernames and the internet wasn't as widely accepted socially when it came to meeting friends online, so most people didn't feel comfortable sharing real life information. Although I think the way people share their names now is super great and helps you connect with people a bit more I found usernames a lot of fun :D

      Have a great weekend!

    2. Thanks for visiting back Heather. Yes there's definitely more of a connection when you can address them by their name.

  4. Agreed!! My response is pretty similar :)

    My BBH
