Tuesday, May 29, 2018

[Top Ten Tuesday] Literary Worlds I'd Never Want to Live In

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish but is currently being run by That Artsy Reader Girl. A prompt is given each week, and I hope to do it every week so I always have something going up on Tuesdays. This week I am talking about different literary worlds that I would never want to live in. Sometimes you read a book like Harry Potter and just wish to live in the world Rowling has created. But other times you'll read a book and realize you would never want to step a foot into the world. These literary worlds fall under the latter for me.

Panem - The Hunger Games

I suspect this will be on many lists this week. It's an easy answer. I don't know anyone who would want to live in a world where the government forces the children of each faction to fight to the death in order to possibly provide food and comfort for their family.

Westeros - Game of Thrones 

There are definitely aspects of Westeros that I think have an appealing quality to them, but overall the amount of blood, back stabbing, sexual assault, and overall just death has me saying no thank you. I think maybe there are moments in time where it woudln't be so bad but the events we get in the show/series has me perfectly content not being in Westeros.

Unwind - Neal Shusterman

For anyone who may not know, Unwind is essentially about a world where if parents are unhappy with their children (whether that be they misbehave frequently, get bad grades, not listen, etc) they can "unwind" their child. Which basically means the child is killed and their body parts are donated to other children so "life technically doesn't end". It's incredibly creepy and even as an adult, I wouldn't want to live in a world where this could happen to kids. Kids go through enough crap in our world.

Christmasland - NOS4A2

Look, the name is incredibly misleading. This Christmasland is this creepy world with a bunch of creepy kids run by a creepy old guy. It's absolutely terrifying but what else can you expect from an author like Joe Hill? He is an amazing horror writer, which makes sense since he learned from the best.

"The Other World" - Coraline

I love this story, but I also have to admit that both the book and the movie are sometimes a bit terrifying. I was going to say it was mostly the movie but I have read the book enough times to know that I wouldn't be too happy with my own "other world" no matter what kind of perks it had for me.

The Empire - An Ember in the Ashes 

I have read the first two books in this series (well, I only remember the first, but I plan on re-reading!!) but the Empire definitely doesn't seem like a place I'd ever want to live in. It's harsh, dangerous (even more so for women), and a bit bleak at times.

Verity City - This Savage Song

Schwab is pretty great at making up terrifying worlds, and this is definitely one of them. It's fascinating and I am incredibly in love with the world but I'd never want to live in Verity. With the malchai, corsai, and sunai monsters all geared up ready to attack anyone not safely indoors by nightfall? No thank you.

Any Zombie Story Ever 

I hate zombies. I enjoy the show The Walking Dead because the characters are great and there are fewer and fewer zombies as the show progresses. But I'd never want to live anywhere with zombies. I kind of hate them a lot and I typically won't read much with zombies in the story. I used to read some stuff years and years back but I realized it was definitely not my thing.

Futuristic New York - They Both Die At The End 

I cannot remember if the author discloses what year it is in this book, however I do know it's set in New York sometime in the future. In this futuristic version of The Big Apple (and I believe all over the world) the day in which you will die, you will get a call informing you. But they do not disclose the time of death or how you'll die. I wouldn't want to know or live in a world where that kind of information is available.

Underground Russia, Year 2033 - Metro 2033

After a bombing attack that has made most of the world uninhabitable because of radiation, the survivors have been living underground. And although they have built a world underground with it's own system with jobs, food, trading systems, and whatever else they'd need to stay alive, there is a danger. Which are the "Dark Ones" - mutants that have survived the bombings but barely, and now are these terrifying monsters. I am currently reading this and it's pretty terrifying if I am honest.

Noooooo thank you. Nooope!

Thanks for reading!


  1. Great list! Yeah, the world of The walking dead is a pretty hard no from me as well!

    My list: https://fantasyraiders.wordpress.com/2018/05/29/top-ten-tuesday-my-favorite-world-builders/#more-8428

    1. Right?! No thanks when it comes to zombies hahaha! I'll check out your list now! Thanks for reading :)

  2. Yes, you were right about Panem. It was also on my list, and I've seen it on many others as well this week.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

    1. I'll check out yours now!! Thank you for reading mine :)

  3. The Unwind universe really is creepy. I'm surprised more people don't have that on their list today! Here's my TTT: http://www.readathomemom.com/2018/05/literary-homes-id-like-to-live-in.html

    1. Gah yeah it's incredibly creepy but I really enjoyed the books I finished from that series! I recommend it. At least past me recommends it. It's been so long I don't remember everything.

      I'll check out yours now!

  4. Wow, Unwind sounds absolutely awful! Sounds like such an interesting concept (especially to argue philosophically) but definitely would not want to live there.
    My TTT: https://arubunwritten.wordpress.com/2018/05/29/top-ten-tuesday-bookish-worlds-id-never-want-to-live-in/

    1. Yeah! It was incredibly fascinating!! I will check out yours now! Thanks for reading my post! :)

  5. I also had Verity, the Unwind world and Panem on my list this week too!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2018/05/29/top-ten-tuesday-161/

    1. Both are SO great to read but a HARD NO for me hahaha. I'll check out the rest of your list now! Thank you for reading mine :)
