
Tuesday, July 9, 2019

June Wrap-Up 2019!

June has ended so now it's time to reflect on my month! In this post I will list my book reviews, other blog posts, movies, tv shows, life updates, music, and plans for the next month. I will of course link any reviews and anything non-bookish (which means I don't have a review) I will write a few sentences of my general thoughts! This is the year I plan on reading books I either on my shelves or on my kindle that I really need to get to. I also need to tackle finishing a lot of series I have started in the past.

Let's jump in!

* = favorite of the month

Book Reviews

The Near Witch by V.E. Schwab*
Thor: God of Thunder Volume 1: The God Butcher by Jason Aaron & Esad Ribic
My Hero Academia Volumes 10-12 by Kohei Horikoshi *
Teen Titans: Raven by Kami Garcia & Gabriel Picolo *
My Hero Academia Volumes 13-15 by Kohei Horikoshi

Movies Watched 

[Netflix DVD] Captain America: The First Avenger - I have only watched this once before, and honestly I really didn't like it the first time. The second time, I liked it a little more but still not a lot. I am not big on Captain America's character or the stories that he is typically involved in. I did find the first half to be pretty enjoyable but after that I didn't care. ⭐⭐
[Netflix] Bleach - This was a live-action anime movie in the same vibe as the FullMetal Alchemist one. This one was way better and I thought it wasn't half bad! It is going to be the next anime Matt and I watch after we are done with Violet Evergarden. ⭐⭐⭐⭐
[DVD] Avengers - This movie is such a classic now to me. Re-watching it after so long was so much fun. I forgot how awful Loki was! I mean, it's Tom Hiddleston so he's kind of great as well but I forgot how truly evil Loki can be. It was a good time to re-watch.⭐⭐⭐⭐
[HULU] Sword Art Online: Ordinal Scale - I love when an amazing anime has an amazing movie! This was such a good movie and it just cemented my love for the anime. ⭐⭐⭐⭐
[Netflix DVD] Iron Man 3 - This is such a great movie. I think the Iron Man trilogy is such a great trilogy in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and I am really happy I have watched it through again. ⭐⭐⭐⭐
[Netflix DVD] Thor: The Dark World - Honestly, The Dark World is another amazing MCU movie! I love all three Thor's so much (I think by far it's the best trilogy) and I couldn't believe how much I forgot from this movie. I've seen Ragnarok so many times it's all I could remember. ⭐⭐⭐⭐

TV Shows 

[Crunchy Roll] Free! Iwatobi Swim Club - The first season of this show was such an amazing one!! It's one of those shows for me where while I am watching, I am loving it, but I am not dying to continue each and every episode. I love the characters with all my heart and I think the story is so much fun. I definitely want to continue with the second season. ⭐⭐⭐⭐
[Hulu] Sword Art Online 2 - This was so good!! I prefer the more fantasy based story when it comes with Kirito and the gang of friends he has but I still really loved the Gun Gale story arc. I also really loved the arc of Asuna going on her own adventure. ⭐⭐⭐⭐
[Netflix] Voltron (Season 1) - I have such a odd relationship with this show. I love the characters with all of my heart but I can't get into the story itself. I am typically not into sci-fi/space type themes in stories so that could be the reason but for now we are taking a small break. ⭐⭐⭐

Currently Watching 

[Netflix] Rurouni Kenshin - This has been such a throwback for me! Matt and I watch this in the morning while having breakfast before he heads to work and it's such a good show!  I remember watching it when I was younger and I really loved it. The characters are so great.
[Netflix] Violet Evergarden - This show is absolutely heartbreaking and beautiful and perfect. I am in love with everything to do with this show and I cannot believe how easily I fell in love. I get so emotional while watching because of how delicate the entire story is. I cannot recommend it enough.


[Single] Feels Like This by Maisie Peters - This is such a pretty song. It isn't super new, but it's new to me and I am obsessed.
[Album] Happiness Begins by Jonas Brothers - A new Jonas Brothers album!! I love their new sound and how it feels so much like them but also new.
[Cast Album] Beetlejuice - I really enjoy so many of the songs in this musical and feel meh about the others. My top favorites are: The Whole Being Dead Thing, The Whole Being Dead Thing Pt. 2, Say My Name, Girl Scout, and That Beautiful Sound.
[Music Video] You Need To Calm Down by Taylor Swift - This song is so much fun! I am still not 100% in love with her new music (granted, there are only two songs released so far) but I am excited to see what else she has planned for her new album Lover. The music video however, I like a lot and I am proud of her for being more open about her moral and political views.


[Trailer] Frozen 2 - I am so incredibly excited for Frozen 2! I love Frozen so much and I cannot wait for the sequel!!
[Trailer] Spider-Man: Far From Home - I am so excited to see this in July. We plan on seeing it the first week it's out so hopefully that plan follows through. Spider-Man is Matt's favorite so we'll definitely be seeing it. After seeing Endgame, I already know I am probably going to do a lot of crying.
[Trailer] My Hero Academia Season 4 - I am currently trying to read all the manga before season 4 comes out and once the trailer dropped I knew  I had to keep reading! It is such a good trailer and I cannot wait to keep watching!
[Trailer] The Lion King - This looks so gorgeous!! How they make the lions look so real is beyond me but I cannot wait to see it! I am not sure if I'll be able to see it in theaters, but I definitely plan on watching it once it comes out on DVD.
[Trailer] Charlie's Angels  - This is a movie I definitely plan on seeing in theaters. It doesn't come out until November so we have time to figure that out. I am mostly watching for Kristen Stewart because I have a huge crush on her but also it looks like such an exciting and goofy movie! I loved the original Charlie's Angels.


[iOS] Golden Thread Tarot - I am still learning Tarot, and this app (plus the next one) both help teach you the meanings of the cards and how to properly read them in relation to the other cards you pull from the deck.
[iOS] Labyrinthos  - Pretty much the same as the last one! I am trying to learn how to read Tarot and to have these two apps it's been so helpful!
[iOS] Wizards Unite - I have been enjoying this app when I can, but I don't have many places where I can get more spell energy so I can only really play when I go out to do stuff. But when I do play, it's a lot of fun! The graphics are pretty good, the story line is cute, and it's overall a fun game.

Life Updates 

Things have been going well! I know my blog hasn't been very exciting, only posting the occasional review. I want to get back into Top Ten Tuesday and Book Blogger Hop posts. I am hoping to at least get back into them in July, maybe August.

Wedding planning has been basically a full time job in itself. It's been fun, don't get me wrong, but it's also kind of stressful and expensive. And of course, time consuming. We have made a lot of the big decisions, and now we are mostly setting up the last of our meetings and focusing on getting all the odds and ends wrapped up. Now that we are mostly at the end of the decision making I am hoping to pick up more novels. I have been loving catching up with My Hero Academia, of course, but also manga, comics, and graphic novels are kind of the only things I can pick up and finish.

I haven't been doing monthly TBR's lately because of my lack of reading, but now that I am starting to feel a bit more on my feet these are the books I am hoping to read in July, other than the last volumes of My Hero Academia. I am going to leave it to 2-3 books, because I don't want to put too much pressure on myself.

July TBR

The Adventure Zone 
Clint, Griffin, Justin, & Travis McElroy / Illustrated by Carey Pietsch 

Nevermoor:  The Trials of Morrigan Crow
Jessica Townsend 

The Hunger Games
Suzanne Collins

How was your June? What was your favorite book you read?

Thanks for reading!

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