
Friday, April 26, 2019

[Book Blogger Hop] April 26-May 2nd: Writing Book Reviews After Long Days

Book Blogger Hop's purpose is to give bloggers a chance to discover and follow other blogs, learn about new books, befriend bloggers, and gain followers. Each week the hop will start on a Friday and end on Thursday where there will be a weekly prompt following a bookish question.


At the end of a hard day, how do you get yourself psyched about writing a book review? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer)


If I am having a really hard or long day and I am not in the mood to write a book review, I just won't. Sometimes you have to take care of yourself mentally in order to not only keep yourself sane but also to write a fair and honest book review that isn't impacted by my exhaustion or mood.

However, for the most part even if I am having a hard or long day I don't mind writing book reviews. Talking about books, whether it be positive or negative (granted, of course I prefer the first) is one of my favorite things to do and I often feel better after writing a good book review I am proud of writing. For reasons I find absolutely understandable, reviews are typically posts that don't get too popular, but they're my favorite to write. I love geeking out about books.

Plus, while reading a book I take notes and once I am done with the book I'll finish up my notes, which  makes it really easy for me to compile a book review. I basically have done a lot of the heavy lifting already so all I have to do is make my weird notes make sense.

How about you? How do you psych yourself up about writing book reviews on a hard day?

Thanks for reading!


  1. I totally agree on your opinion on the subject. If I REALLY feel like not doing it, I won't, but I usually don't mind.

    I also try to schedule my reviews on days that are not too full and I try to make sure I won't be home very late :)

    1. Yeah!! Pushing yourself to enjoy a hobby will just make it a chore. This is something I am currently struggling with!! It's a complicated thing, especially when mental health becomes a factor.

      Scheduling reviews is such a good idea!

  2. Yes, taking care of ourselves is key. I couldn't possibly write a decent review if I am not in the mood due to other circumstances. Sometimes, I think about how the book changed my life (or, was a complete waste of time) and write down what I am feeling. 90% of the time the structure and tone of the story floods my memory and the writing begins to flow.

    1. Exactly! Writing typically is something I love in general and helps my mental health but geeking out about books is one of my favorites.

  3. I'm the same way! I think it's really bad to force yourself to do hobbies. It's a straight path to burnout :) Great answer!
