
Friday, April 19, 2019

[Book Blogger Hop] April 19-25th: Checking Views

Book Blogger Hop's purpose is to give bloggers a chance to discover and follow other blogs, learn about new books, befriend bloggers, and gain followers. Each week the hop will start on a Friday and end on Thursday where there will be a weekly prompt following a bookish question.


Do you check how many views your posts have received? (submitted by Elizabeth @ Silver's Reviews)


What I used to do is that I would publish a post and then throughout the day keep an eye on the views and comments. But I realized depending on the success of that post it could affect my day or mood. So I have completely stopped looking at views or comments so often after posting.

What I do now is I will publish a post and then promote it everywhere  I normally do (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc) and then I leave it alone until I am ready to reply to any comments I may have. I typically reply to comments once or twice a week so that is when I check my views for the week. It still can sometimes either make me feel really bad or really good about myself depending on how well the posts do but I'm working on it. I think because I am so excited about talking about my posts with people it's more about wanting to build a community and not so much about the numbers themselves.

How about you? Do you keep an eye on views and comments after posting?

Thanks for reading!


  1. It's difficult not to let it affect your moid when you've worked hard on a post, then no one else seems to want to read it!

  2. I tend not to because, as you said, it really affects my mood as well and I know that if for example I put a lot of time and effort in a review and it doesn't get the response I would have liked it ends up spoiling my mood a bit.

    1. Yes!! What is a real bummer is sometimes you put so much work into a post and it doesn't do well at all, but a post that was fairly easy to put together gets so popular and it's just overall frustrating and confusing.

  3. I'm too harsh a critic of myself so I try not to look at individual post views. I like comments and I pay attention to social media followers for netgalley etc.

    1. Yeah, I can be incredibly hard on myself too. It's best to keep an eye on comments and try not to look at views.
