Tuesday, December 11, 2018

[Top Ten Tuessday] Books & Series I Want to Re-read in 2019

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish but is currently being run by That Artsy Reader Girl. A prompt is given each week, and I hope to do it every week so I always have something going up on Tuesdays. This week I am talking about books and series I wanat to re-read, or at least try to re-read in 2019. I have a lot of books/series I read when I was younger and I don't remember anything from them. And they're taking up space in my apartment so I either need to donate them or know their contents to know if they're for me still after all these years. Some of these are also on my kindle, and although those aren't going anywhere I hate that I don't remember everything in some series I deem my favorites. I want to fix that. Also, another small chunk of the books on the list are first in series where  I've read the first one but remember nothing so I'll have to re-read it to continue the series. 2019 hopefully will be the year of me re-reading and catching up with my TBR, and these books will help me be successful in that mission.

A Court of Thorns and Roses
 Sarah J. Maas 

I read this series as each book came out but I'd love to re-read it. I think I may have a review on the third book, A Court of Wings and Ruin but I have to admit that I don't remember much from that last book. I remember a considerable amount from the first two. I think it would be fun to have reviews of all three, a new one of course for ACOWAR, up on my page. I think it'll also help me decide if I plan on continuing with the spin-off series or if I plan on ending it at the trilogy.

Daughter of Smoke and Bone
Laini Taylor 

This is one of my favorite series ever. I say that all the time, and I honestly cannot remember everything from the series as a whole. I remember small details but not everything, so I'd love to read and review them. I really love the way this series made me feel so I am really excited to dip back into those feelings. Hopefully I love it as much as I loved the first time. 

Stephanie Meyer 

This is a teenage favorite of mine, as it is a lot of readers my age. I started this series when I was around thirteen or fourteen and fell in love with it. I watched the movies as they came out and seeing New Moon in 2009 was the first date I went on with my now fiancé. I may not  have converted him into the story but he watches them with me with little complaint. This series holds a good place in my heart and although there are definitely issues with the story I am excited to see if I am as entertained as I once was. 

Marissa  Meyer 

This is a four book series I buddy read a few years ago and really loved, but it was before I was blogging so I didn't get a chance to review them. I'd love to review them and have my love for them up on my blog. I remember the first three really well but for some reason my memory when it comes to the fourth book, Winter, is a little fuzzy. So I'd love to remedy that. 

The Name of the Wind 
Patrick Rothfuss 

I really want to re-read this book and the sequel because it's been so long and I really loved them. I meant to do it this year but the lack of information of the release of the third and final book has me a bit hesitant to re-read it. I am worried if I get caught up in it all over again I'll be dying for the third book, Doors of Stone, again. Almost all of the details in the second book are completely fuzzy for me and I am not sure if I prefer that or not. A part of me wants to wait until we have a release date, the other part of me misses the characters and world so much. 

Across the Universe 
Beth Revis 

I read these so many years ago as they were being released and I loved them so much. Like so many of these books, I remember almost nothing. I have had them on my bookshelves for so long and I really need to read them and see if they still bring me joy as much as they once did. I live in such a baby apartment with a small amount of space and it's covered in stacks and stacks of books. If I end up not loving it as much I'll clear out the space for books I do love. And if I do love them, then I'll know for sure. 

Red Queen
Victoria Aveyard 

This series has been a confrontational one in the book community. People either love it or hate it but I am honestly not sure where I stand. I enjoyed the first one a lot, but I remember being incredibly bored with the second. I never continued and now I believe the story is over. I could be wrong, of course, but there are four books out and a few short stories. I'd love to re-read the ones I own and then see where I will go from there with this series. If I don't want to continue, I'll be clearing off more space on my bookshelf and if I do end up wanting to continue I'll be buying the rest. 

A Study in Charlotte 
Brittany Cavallaro 

I actually read this originally earlier this year in January, so although I do remember a lot from the book I want to re-read it in order to continue with the series because I really liked it. Matt and I are big fans of Sherlock/Watson adaptations and retellings  so the fact that he got this book for me for my birthday in 2017 meant a lot to me. I just really want to continue the series.

Falling Kingdoms 
Morgan Rhodes 

 I have read the first book in this series, Falling Kingdoms, a few times, and then never continued even if I really enjoyed the first one. So I am really excited to get back into it. I own the first three on my kindle so I really don't have an excuse not to at least continue with the ones I own! This series has been described as the young adult Game of Thrones, and I could see that comparison at least from the first one.  So I am excited to continue the series. 

Cloaked in Shadow
Ben Alderson 
I loved this book when I read it a couple years ago and I continued to support Ben by preordering his sequels and novella but I haven't continued reading. I need to get on that because I really love the characters in this series. The last book comes out in February. I am not sure if I will catch up that quickly but I do hope I read them all in 2019. 
There are the books and series I am hoping to re-read in 2019! I am a huge fan of re-reading in general, I know that is something not everyone is a fan of. However, if you are a fan of re-reading, do you plan on re-reading any books in 2019?

 Thanks for reading! 


  1. Good luck with your re-reads! I hope you enjoy them when you read them again. My TTT

  2. I still haven't read the Red Queen series, but the first three books are on my shelf, so... I'd best remedy this. I'd also really like to give A Study in Charlotte a chance since I too enjoy Sherlock re-tellings; mostly on TV, but I'm curious about this series!

    1. I HIGHLY recommend A Study in Charlotte!!! I remember absolutely loving it.

  3. I read Red Queen this year, but ACOTAR and probably Daughter of Smoke and Bone and the Lunar Chronicles are on my list of first-time reads for next year. I'll probably re-read Legend in the late summer before Legend 4 comes out (even though I re-read the series this year too).

    1. I hope you love them all!!! I LOVED Legend! I am totally adding it to my list! I can't believe there will be more!

  4. I hope you're able to find time to re-read all these! I just recently read The Lunar Chronicles and loved it! I have fond memories of Twilight as well. Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. I really want to read them so I can finally get reviews on my blog! Thank you so much! :)

  5. Hope you get to all of these and more. I need to continue ACOTAR series but need to reread the first one because it's been so long and honestly, I didn't like Feyre much. There's just not enough time and basically I'm not a rereader. Good luck!

    1. Thank you!! I liked Feyre at first but I got a bit annoyed with her by the third book. However, I don't remember a lot so I am excited to re-read it. That makes sense! Some people aren't big on re-reading. I loveee it.

  6. I always have such a hard time justifying re-reads, especially of series. I think of all the new books I could be discovering .....

    My TTT: https://ichleseblog.wordpress.com/2018/12/11/top-ten-tuesday-freebie/

    1. Yeah! Knowing there are new books to read instead is definitely the big reason it's hard for me to re-read. But I love it so much. Thanks!

  7. I hope you enjoy all these just as much the second time around.
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2018/12/11/top-ten-tuesday-189/

  8. I'm hoping that this is the year I'll finally read the copy of The Name of the Wind you got me! :)
