Monday, December 24, 2018

[Book Tag] The Christmas Movie Book Tag

It's so close to Christmas so I thought this would be such a fun book tag to do! I am not sure who created it. I tried google it but I couldn't find anyone else doing this tag! I saw that someone on Books Amino who did it, but I didn't save their username so if anyone knows who created it just tell me and I'll credit the creator like I always do!

This was such a fun little tag and it made me even more in the Christmas spirit than I already have been, which is saying something because I have been on the Christmas hype train since November 1st.

I want to quickly say that I am going to be as vague as possible with these answers to avoid spoilers by just answering it with characters/title names, but if you want to talk more in depth just comment below and I'll totally discuss with you!!

So let's jump in and answer these questions!
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How the Grinch Stole Christmas 
A Villain Who Redeems Himself in the End 

Holland from the A Darker Shade of Magic trilogy by V.E. Schwab. I can't say much more than that because I don't want to spoil but I feel like Schwab is a pro at writing morally grey characters, and I thought I'd hate Holland the entire time but I genuinely felt for him.

Frosty the Snowman
A book with a magical item. 

Undead Girl Gang by Lily Anderson. I don't want to say what it is, but this book needs to be talked about more, because it is SO much fun!

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer 
A book where the character's family does not support them. 

Catherine from Heartless by Marissa Meyer. She wants to open a bakery but her parents want her to focus on finding a husband and find her passion of baking/cooking to be a useless hobby.

Santa Claus is Comin' to Town
A famous character everyone knows about - even those who haven't read the book. 

Harry Potter. This is an easy one, because even if you haven't read the books (or even seen the movies, honestly) most people at least know who Harry Potter is and the general idea of what his story is about.

Little Drummer Boy 
A book/character with great animal character/sidekicks. 

Reign of the Fallen by Sarah Glenn Marsh. One character we meet, Meredy, is a beast master and her animal companion is a grizzly bear named Lysander who is great.

A Charlie Brown Christmas 
A book that puts you in the holiday spirit.

Dash and Lily's Book of Dares by David Levithan and Rachel Cohn. I love this book so much, and I am actually reading it right now so I can finally review it this year. I also love reading a Harry Potter on or around the actual day of Christmas. This year I'll be reading Goblet of Fire on Christmas.

A book of self discovery (either for you or the characters). 

Eelyn from Sky in the Deep by Adrienne Young learns a lot about not being blindly prejudiced based off what she's been taught by her community. I found it to be super poignant and heartwarming. This is another book that needs to be talked about more often.

 White Christmas 
A book you re-read every year. 

I tend to read at least on Harry Potter book every year. I read Reign of the  Fallen (which came out earlier this year) eight times, so I can guess I'll be reading that book and it's sequel Song of the Dead (comes out January 2019) every year as well. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is another one I tend to read a lot.

I tag anyone and everyone who wants to do this tag! If you do it please comment the link below so I can read your answers!! I love reading book tag answers! Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!

Thanks for reading!