Tuesday, June 26, 2018

[Top Ten Tuesday] Authors I Won't Be Reading Anymore

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish but is currently being run by That Artsy Reader Girl. A prompt is given each week, and I hope to do it every week so I always have something going up on Tuesdays. This week I am talking about the authors I cannot see myself reading anymore. Of course, as always with this kind of blog post, I don't like saying never. But as of now, these authors are ones I plan on avoiding. This week's prompt was supposed to be "Series I Don't Plan on Finishing" and I couldn't think of any because I could see myself one day finishing most of the series I have started.

  • Colleen Hoover - I have talked a lot about my dislike for Colleen Hoover's books. I find them problematic and I find the romances incredibly toxic. I put this one first because I've talked enough about my dislike for her books. However,  I can't see myself not bringing it up because I feel passionately about it.
  • Jay Asher - Jay Asher has been accused of sexual assault by other writers/fans and I don't feel comfortable supporting him because of it. The first season of his book to tv show adaptaion (and now the second season, which I haven't and won't watch) have gotten a lot of mixed reviews. However, I am grateful for the first season because it helped me realize I really needed to get help and see a therapist. So although I am grateful to the story, I don't feel comfortable supporting his work anymore.
  • Daniel Handler/Lemony Snicket - Daniel Handler has also been accused of being incredibly innappropriate both sexually but also making pretty sexist and racist comments. Just like Jay Asher, I liked his work. But I am not comfortable supporting him.
  • Michael Grant - Michael Grant made such a long facebook post about how he thinks trigger warnings are stupid and he was incredibly rude, harsh, and defensive to anyone who tried to show him their side. I am over him. Plus his Gone series wasn't great.
  • Nicholas Sparks - I used to find Nicholas Sparks books romantic when I was a high-schooler. But I have recently re-read some of them recently and realized that they're really problematic and sexist. So I can't see myself reading them anymore

  • Jesse Andrews - I wasn't a fan of Me and Earl and the Dying Girl and I tried getting into The Haters and I couldn't. I just don't think his books are for me. There's nothing wrong with that, I just don't think it's' for me.
  • Debbie Macomber - I read 1225 Christmas Tree Lane December of 2017 and I wasn't a fan. But then right after I tried reading her book Twelve Days of Christmas. And I couldn't get far into it. Her writing style wasn't for me.
  • Andrew Smith - I read his book Winger a while ago, and although I initially liked it, after mulling it over the ending kind of rubbed me the wrong way. And so I felt weird about how to rate it. And then I read Grasshopper Jungle and really didn't like that book. So like the two previous authors, it just isn't for me.
  • James Dashner - James Dashner is another author who was accused of sexual assault and I don't feel comfortable reading anything of his anymore. I liked his Maze Runner trilogy in early college, and although it's been a long while so I don't remember much, I think I'll just pass on any future books of his.
  • Chuck Palahnuick - I enjoyed Fight Club and tried getting into his other books and just could not get into them no matter how much I tried. So I think his books are just not for me. He was my fiancé's favorite author but  I am not sure anymore because he hasn't been into a lot of Palahnuick's newest releases.

Thanks for reading!


  1. I gave up on the Gone series, but I'm really disturbed by his comments on trigger warnings - I never heard he said those things. I recently bought his book Front Lines and now I'm like ugh .. do I want to read it? Great list!

    My TTT: https://rockyreads.wordpress.com/2018/06/26/top-ten-tuesday-13/

    1. Yeah the Gone series wasn't great but it was his comments that made me realize I didn't want to support him. If you've already bought it I say give it a shot! Thanks for reading/commenting! I will check out yours now :)

  2. It makes me sad how many popular authors (and everyone really) are being outed as scum these days. But I can't blame you for not wanting to support someone like that.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

    1. Yeah! It's a bummer. Although I am proud of all the people speaking out against these authors.

      Thank you for stopping by! I will check out your post now! :)

  3. A solid list. Thanks for sharing.

    The Hodgenator

  4. Hello, I just wanted to say that I see you post in some of the Facebook groups I’m in, and I was really impressed with the way you handled a commenter disagreeing with parts of this post. What’s the best way to support your blog? Is there a way to “follow” it? Or should I just make sure to always click the link and read when I see you post? Let me know!!

    1. Hey! Thank you so much. Honestly although I am pretty opinionated at times I try my best to be fair and civil. So I super appreciate this comment! You can totally follow my blog post on the right side of my blog. There should be a "Follow" button with a dozen or so photos of other people who follow me. I also have a Facebook page here and you can always follow me on Twitter and Instagram. I'd love to chat books! <3

  5. I try not to think too much about the author's personal life but it kind of just pop up when you read the news so it's hard to avoid them.

    I did read the first three books of 'a series of unfortunate events' before I heard any of the news about the author, I don't plan on reading the rest of the series mostly because it's kind of repetitive.

    I don't quite know what to think. I guess we all want authors to be kind, sincere and all that just because of their books but that's not the reality. it kind of makes me sad because all that creativity is now considered a bit smeared, a bit brought down by the author's behavior.

    have a lovely day.

    1. I totally get that. Honestly, if one of my ABSOLUTE favorite authors turned out to be accused or convicted of something terrible I would have issues giving up their books. These authors, although I enjoyed some, were easy for me to give up. So although I did still give them up, I am not putting myself on any pedestals. I would probably have a lot of issues if my faves turned out problematic.

      I also super appreciate and understand that some people are good at enjoying art without thinking of the creator and taking their morals or views into account. I probably still consume art that have been created by a problematic artist. I try not to but unfortunately there have been so many artists lately being "exposed" it's hard to keep up. I think it's totally fine to consume art created by a problematic artist as long as you acknowledge the fact that they're problematic.

      It's totally okay to not know what to think. I constantly have issues wrapping my head around all the news that comes through every day. It sucks when a problematic artist's incredibly talented work is overshadowed by their bad decisions or crummy opinions. It almost feels like all that talent is wasted.

      I honestly just have to make sure I am protecting my heart. If that means distancing myself from authors who make me sad that's what I have to do. You know?

      <3 have an amazing day Lissa.
