Tuesday, October 24, 2017

[Top Ten Tuesday] Unique Book Titles

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish. A prompt is given each week, and I hope to do it every week so I always have something going up on Tuesdays. This week I am talking about ten of my favorite unique book titles, and why I think they're unique.

A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket

This series has one of the coolest titles ever, and the alliteration for each of the sub titles (besides the last one, which always bugged me), is super clever and fun.

Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe

This title, although pretty long, definitely caught my attention initially. Once people were talking about how good it was I knew I had to try it. I think long titles like this are really fun because they stand out against the shorter one worded titles that happen pretty often.

The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August by Claire North

This is just a cool and intriguing title that caught my attention. Why does he have fifteen lives? Is it a metaphor? Who is Harry August? I don't even remember what this book is about (I haven't read it yet, but it's been sitting on my shelf for longer than I would like to care to admit) because it's been a while since I've read the synopsis but I need to get to it soon.

Turtles All The Way Down by John Green

This title is a specific reference (read the book to find out! Or just look it up, either way) but if you don't know the reference, like I didn't before reading the book, it seems like a super odd title. I highly recommend this one.

You Suck by Christopher Moore

There is a little bit of a story with this one. When I was younger I was at a bookstore with my Mom, and I was told to quickly pick out one book for our trip. I didn't have a lot of time and I was really into vampires in high school so I saw this title and the vampire teeth and grabbed it. Little did I know it was the second in a series. Despite that, it's a really fun book that I've read multiple times and bought for my kindle. I still haven't read the first one.

Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk

This title is super intriguing. What is a fight club? Who are the people in this club fighting? Each other? Bad people? It definitely catches your attention enough to at least read the synopsis of the book. Granted by now most people have either read or watched the movie and know the story, but initially I think it is definitely a unique book title.

The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss

I think this title is super interesting and fun. Why does the wind need a name? What is the name of the wind and who named it? It's another one of those titles that kind of catches your attention and pulls you in to learn more.

The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman

Although it's a mouth full, I really love this title. It catches your attention and it seems a bit nonsensical. Which is expected of a Neil Gaiman book, a lot of his books are very fantasy fairytale-esq story lines. And this title definitely gives me a fairytale type of vibe.

172 Hours On The Moon by Johan Harstad

This is a creepy story, which I feel like you can get from the cover, but the title is interesting because it's such a specific amount of time. Especially since we don't know why they're on the moon or why they are there for 172 hours. The title paired with the cover and the headline "Who knows what's really out there?" gives it this weird creepy feeling that I kind of love.

How To Fight Presidents by Daniel O'Brien

This title catches your attention because the act of threatening or fighting a president can be seen as really bad (obviously) so it pulls you in. In this book the writer names all the non-living (I believe) presidents, gives you a couple pages of history on them, and how he would fight them if he was in a situation where he had to. It's super comical and you learn a lot of cool stuff about our past presidents.

Thanks for reading!


  1. Ah yes, the ASOUE titles are all so fun! Though you're right, it is annoying that the thirteenth one doesn't match :)
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2017/10/24/top-ten-tuesday-130/

    1. Right!? It's so frustrating! Thanks for reading :) I'll check out your post now!

  2. You definitely have some unique book titles!

    Here's a link to my TTT post for this week:


  3. Haha, I love the fighting presidents title. That’s funny.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!
