Tuesday, January 22, 2019

[Top Ten Tuesday] TBR Books That I Didn't Get To in 2018

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish but is currently being run by That Artsy Reader Girl. A prompt is given each week, and I hope to do it every week so I always have something going up on Tuesdays. This week I am talking about books I meant to read in 2018 but I didn't have the chance! So I am hoping to read them this year in 2019! Because I haven't read these books yet, I don't have too much to say on each of them! But I will of course link their Amazon and Goodreads pages if you're interested in checking each of them out. I plan on reading every single one of these this year. I won't let them slip through unread for another year!

Let's jump into my list!

The Girl Who Drank the Moon
Kelly Barnhill 

I got this book from my fiancé and I am so excited to read it! I think (but am not entirely sure) this is a middle grade book, and honestly one of my goals this year is to read more middle grade. I hear this is such a cute one. 

The Last Namsara
Kristen Ciccarelli 

This is another one I got from my fiancé, both were gifts with a few other books that I did actually read last year. This is one I hear amazing things about and the sequel also has gotten really good reviews too. 

Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell
Susanna Clarke

This book was on my "I am totally going to read this in 2018" list and I am so mad I didn't pick it up. This is the book that haunts me from my shelves the most. I am so excited about it, but I am serious about reading it.  I may take a month and make it my sole focus to literally read this book. It's so long and from what I hear it takes a long time to get through. It's just been on my shelf for way too long and I hear so many great things about it. 

The Bone Season
Samantha Shannon 

This is a book series that I've seen a lot of people love but I know almost nothing about other than what's in the synopsis. I got my copy from Goodwill for like $2 which was an amazing deal for a hardcover. I really want to see if this is a series I would like too because the readers who seem to love this series really love it. 

Sawkill Girls
Claire Legrand 

This is a book I was so excited for the release of, but I just never got to it. It was released in October, which was a busy reading month already and then with NaNoWriMo and my holiday reading list it just got pushed back. I am hoping to read this in 2019 because I just know it's going to be amazing. 

 The Graveyard Book
Neil Gaiman

Ugh, I am so mad I haven't read this book. It's probably the one I am the most mad about. It's not incredibly long, and it's by Neil Gaiman, one of the best writers of our time. I hear amazing things about this book and honestly I am just really excited to read it and possibly listen to the audiobook with it. 

The Woman Who Rides Like A Man
Tamora Pierce 

I told myself  I'd finish this quartet this year. I have no excuses, I can read each book in one sitting because of their length and the fact that they're middle grade. They also are really good and the last two got five star ratings from me. So I assume I'll love the next two. 

What If It's Us
Becky Albertalli & Adam Silvera

This is a book I was really excited about, but with the mix reviews I got kind of worried about reading it. I think I'll like it, because I've read and enjoyed all the books each writer has written. I think this will be a fairly quick read and I am hoping I like it. 

Susan Dennard 

I have this book on my kindle and I hear either really good things or meh things about the book. I am excited to see what I think about it. Susan Dennard is an author I really love following on Twitter. I am hoping I love her books as much as I love her as a person. 

 Red Rising
Pierce Brown

This is another series that has a huge fanbase that loves these books. I hear amazing things and honestly I am really excited to see what I think abut it. 

Thanks for reading!

Have you read any of these books? Should I put any of them on the top of my priority list? I'd love to know any books you couldn't read last year that you plan to read this year.


  1. The Last Namsara looks soooo good!

  2. Yes, The Girl Who Drank the Moon is a middle grade book. I really liked it and hope you will, too.

    This is my Top Ten Tuesday post.

  3. The Last Namsara is on my TBR list for this year, hopefully we both enjoy it!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2019/01/22/top-ten-tuesday-195/

  4. I read The Song of the Lioness series about a year ago and really enjoyed it! I hope you're able to finish it. Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  5. I got What If It's Us at an event in which I got to meet the authors and got a signed copy. Youd'd think that would hype me enough to read the book, but I just haven't had time to read it.
    My TTT: https://bookishtreats.wordpress.com/2019/01/22/top-ten-tuesday-books-i-meant-to-read-in-2018-but-didnt-get-to/

    1. I assume it'll be a fast read. Young adult contemporary books seem to be easy to fly through. It's the mixed reviews that has me a little hesitant. I hope we both end up liking it! :)

  6. You have something to look forward to in The Graveyard Book. :-)

    1. That is what I hear!! I am so mad it's been sitting on my kindle for so long. I need to get my butt in gear and just read it this year. :D

  7. The Girl Who Drank the Moon is such a beautiful book. I hope you enjoy it!
    My Top Ten Tuesday this week.

  8. The Graveyard Book sounds awesome. Hope you get around to it soon!

  9. Hope you get to Truthwitch soon, it's one of my faves!

    1. I cannot wait!! I need more fantasy stories where sisterhood is a major theme so this seems right up my ally. :D <3

  10. I didn't put Sawkill Girls on my list but it totally should have been there!

  11. I still need to read The Last Namsara too! Probably should have made it part of my list.

    1. I hope we both end up really loving it! I hear it's amazing. :)

  12. Jonathan Strange is a great novel, but it's definitely a commitment. Great list! :)

    1. I hear nothing but amazing things. It's massive size is daunting but I am really hoping I read it this year. :D

  13. You must have an amazing fiancée to buy you books (my boyfriend/now husband bought me books too). I got Truthwitch when it was on sale because Susan Dennard is such an awesome person too... I still haven't read it yet either.

    1. I am so lucky!! :D And I hope we both end up reading and loving Truthwitch soon! I hear it's an amazing story with sisterhood being a focus, which sounds perfect. <3

  14. Some of these are on my TBR stacks!! Fingers crossed for 2019!

    1. If you want to buddy read any of these just hit me up E! I miss buddy reading with you! <3

  15. Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell is one of my all time favourite books so it makes me obscenely happy to see someone express interest in it! The Bone Season and Red Rising are on my TBR as well! I hope you enjoy.

    1. I need to just commit and read it already!! I am thinking maybe just dedicating all my time one month to it in the Spring!! :D And YAY! I hope we both love The Bone Season and Red Rising! <3
