Friday, June 29, 2018

[Book Blogger Hop] June 29th-July 5th: Bookstagram

Book Blogger Hop's purpose is to give bloggers a chance to discover and follow other blogs, learn about new books, befriend bloggers, and gain followers. Each week the hop will start on a Friday and end on Thursday where there will be a weekly prompt following a bookish question.


Do you have an Instagram account? If so, do you follow book folks?  (submitted by Elizabeth @ Silver's Reviews)


I do have an Instagram! I will link it right here for anyone interesting in following! I follow a lot of book accounts but not only book accounts. A lot of the time I will enter giveaways and one of the requirements will be to follow the person hosting the book giveaway. So that’s definitely one big reason why I am following so many. But I actually love seeing my feed flossed with bookish content. I probably follow more book accounts than personal accounts honestly but I do use my account as a personal one also. I am not the most talented with taking book photos to dedicate an entire account to books but a good chunk of my account is dedicated to book related content. My other posts that are non-bookish are mostly about my fiancĂ©, pup, food, and everyday stuff. Overall though it's mostly books.

Thanks for reading!


  1. Bookish content is always so fun! I'm not great at remembering to post but I always love seeing what other people are doing.

    1. Yeah!! I post a bit randomly, I should probably have some sort of system but I am such a forgetful person sometimes. :P

  2. I do have an Instagram! My personal is @dani_pitter, while my bookstagram is @poetrybooksya. I think it's important to have two separate identities for your personal life, as well as your brand, so as to not mix business with pleasure. I have nothing to hide from those who follow both, or one or the other, but I just like it better to have both. I follow a lot of bookish accounts, bloggers, booktubers, book box subscriptions, but I also follow a lot of celebrities and entertainers, as well.

    My BBH

    1. That is awesome! I just followed both of your accounts! I'll check out your BBH now! :D Thanks!

  3. I combine personal posts with my book posts. I mostly follow book folks, though, and have mostly bookish friends.

    ENJOY your weekend.

    1. Yeah!! Same here!

      I hope you're enjoying your weekend Elizabeth! And that you have a fantastic week. Try to stay cool! It's been so hot here. I am melting.

  4. Replies
    1. I followed you back!! I will check out your BBH now! :D <3

  5. I don't have an Instagram account. *runs to the mountains where I belong*

    But if I have to set-up one, I think it will strictly be posting book-related stuff 'coz my life is not interesting enough for IG anyway.

    I think it's my first time in your blog, just wanna say that I really dig that blog header. I think the idea is kinda the same with mine? Great minds think alike, haha. :D

    1. That is awesome! I'd love to check our your blog! Could you link it to me? Also please link me if you end up making an Instagram account! I am always up for following more book accounts! :D <3

  6. I like your instagram. It's a nice mix of life and books. :)
