
Wednesday, January 22, 2020

[Comic Book Review] Fence Volume 3 by C.S. Pacat, Johanna the Mad, & Joana LaFuente

Scrappy fencer Nicholas Cox comes to the end of his path to prove himself worthy of a father he never knew in the face of surly upperclassmen, nearly impossible odds, and the talent of his rival, sullen fencing prodigy, Seiji Katayama.

Sparks fly white-hot on the pitch as Nicholas and Seiji finally face off once again in the halls of King’s Row. It’s a match that will change King’s Row (and both of them!) forever, and set the stage as the team journeys to face their bitter rivals and prove themselves once and for all.

The third volume of the breakneck series from writer C.S. Pacat (The Captive Prince) and fan-favorite artist Johanna the Mad comes at you as fast as a parry and hits as hard as a strike.

The fact that I now have to wait for the next volume (it doesn't come out until later this year) is pretty traumatizing for me. Especially since out of the three volumes so far, this one was definitely my favorite. 

I am loving all of the character development in this one. We are seeing Nicholas and Seji become less confrontational towards each other, we get to know more about Aiden's life and his friendship with Harvard, and the more background characters are being expanded on more which is always great. Especially the other fencers trying to get on the team. Between the well written characters and the gorgeous art, I am easily falling in love with these characters. I really love the fencing coach as well. She's strict but fair to her athletes. I love that she has a mask of sternness but she's obviously a big softie on the inside. She is mischievous and seems to always be so many steps ahead of them. I hope we get more of her in the future. I need this to be a television show!! 

One criticism I had with volume three is that the plot of Nicholas's backstory didn't progress very much, and it is something I am a little impatient about because I want to know more about Nicholas. In volume three we get more of Nicholas and it's even called out by Seji, which means Seji is getting suspicious. I have a feeling after how volume three ending, this plot will expand even more in the next volume. Which I am really excited for because I just want all the fencing boys to be friends. I am all about good teammate moments. 

I really love the dialogue and writing in this comic book series. It's so charming and funny. Every time I pick up a new volume of this series I get put in a better mood. I'm also in love with the artwork, and if this ever did become a television show, we'd need Johanna the Mad and Joana LaFuente to be involved! 

Overall, I highly recommend this series! I picked up the first volume at the end of last year without knowing much about the story or having any expectations and now I am a huge fan. When Fence: Rivals is released in May I am definitely getting my hands on it! 

Thanks for reading!

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