
Tuesday, October 16, 2018

[Top Ten Tuesday] Bookstores I Want To Visit

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish but is currently being run by That Artsy Reader Girl. A prompt is given each week, and I hope to do it every week so I always have something going up on Tuesdays. This week I am talking about some bookstores and libraries I've always wanted to visit. I love big book store chains like Barnes and Noble, Books-A-Million, and Borders (RIP) and of course I love online shopping like on Amazon (where I do most my book buying). However, I want to support other bookstores as well. 

So let's jump right into it!

The Last Bookstore
Los Angeles, California 

Let's be honest, all bookstores are photogenic, but The Last Bookstore is one of the prettiest bookstores, especially the inside. There are beautiful tunnels made out of books, a beautiful rainbow bookshelf, and other displays made out of books. I absolutely love it and I'd love to visit The Last Bookstore one day!

The Booksmith 
San Francisco, California 

If I ever one day visit California, it'll be literally one time because I hate the heat and California's weather sounds like my kind of hell. So if I go I'd knock both The Last Bookstore and The Booksmith visits off my list in one California trip. I think this bookstore is absolutely gorgeous from the photos I've seen and I hear it has a really great comic book collection, art journals, and small nick-knacks.

The Strand
New York, NY 

I have always wanted to go to The Strand. It's such a well known established bookstore with a lot of history. It is the second biggest used bookstore in all of the country and that seems so cool to me. I live in Maine so I am not exactly close enough to New York to take the trip only for the bookstore but maybe one day!

Baldwin's Book Barn 
West Chester, Pennsylvania 
This bookstore has been on my bucket list for SO LONG! I love unique bookstores like this one! It looks so cool on the inside with old cellar doors and cats just roam around in the store! I am a tiny bit allergic to cats, but I'd risk it because 1. cats are cute and 2. the experience this bookstore seems too cool to pass up. 

Books Galore
Eerie, Pennsylvania 

This is obviously a bookstore that caters a lot to comic book fans but they have a lot of fiction books as well. From what I hear they are known for being a great resource if you're looking for rare and hard-to-find books. I think this seems so awesome and I'd love to visit this bookstore!

The Book Barn 
Niantic, Connecticut 

This bookstore has been on my bookstore bucket list ever since my best friend Erica Robyn Reads went and wrote a blog post about it!! I recommend checking out her blog post. She went last July and it's been on my mind since then. The ridiculous amount of books in this bookstore is insane and I feel like you could be there for hours browsing. I'd probably get lost. I wouldn't mind. 

Faulkner House Books
New Orleans, Louisiana 

This bookstore takes up the entire first floor of a house where William Faulkner once lived. I haven't read anything by Faulkner, but I have heard so many great academic things about his work and I think this idea as a bookstore is so cool. The inside is SO pretty and the perfect academic literary aesthetic. There's a beautiful chandelier and mahogany looking bookshelves. 
Longfellow Books 
Portland, Maine 

I mentioned earlier that I live in Maine, and I actually lived about twenty minutes away from Portland for years when I went to college but I never knew about this bookstore! There is a Books-A-Million at the Portland Mall, so I always went there and I am so bummed I never took that trip. I live about an hour away now, so it wouldn't be a bad trip to go check out Longfellow Books! 

Twice Told Tales
Brunswick, Maine 

This is another bookstore I could easily go to and I am hoping to visit for my birthday with my fiancé this month! My fiancé works close by to this bookstore and absolutely loves it so I am so excited to check it out with him. I miss going to bookstores so I am hoping I love it too that way I may have a bookstore to go to more often.

The Mustard Seed Bookstore 
Bath, Maine

This is another bookstore I am so excited to finally go to! We recently discovered it while driving around and it is SO cute! You choose a special cup, pick your favorite tea, and then settle into a new book. It is LITERALLY MY HEAVEN and I am hoping that my fiancé and I can take a trip for our dating anniversary. It's so dang adorable and I love the idea. 

Thanks for reading!


  1. These bookstores look so adorable! Great choices. My TTT

  2. Apart from hearing about it (in videos or on lists), I don't know anything about The Strand. Still, it looks like a must-visit experience! Also, The Booksmith looks like it'd be a lovely place to visit, too. :)

    1. I have known about The Strand for a while but only that it's a pretty old bookstore and that it holds a lot of history. And that it's well loved. All of these books seem like such a fun experience! :)

  3. Great list! These all sound like fun places to visit. I hope you have a great time at the ones you plan on visiting soon! Here is my Top Ten Tuesday

    1. Thank you so much!! I am hoping to write posts about them when I visit them! :)

  4. Not all of California is hot. Especially Northern California. I doubt you'd mind visiting The Booksmith this time of year. Today the high is supposed to be in the mid 60s.

    Hope you get the chance to visit these someday!

  5. As I'm a huge cat lover I would probably have a great time at Baldwin's Book Barn.

    1. Right!? I love kitties so much. I want one so bad but my pup loves being an only child lol. So to be able to go to a bookstore and get both your fix with books but also with kitties?! Dream come true.

  6. I've visited The Last Bookstore in downtown LA and it is so worth the visit!! In fact this bookstore made my TTT post this week.

    Here's a link to my TTT post for this week:

    1. Ahhh! That's so cool! I'll check out your post now. I am so glad that it's worth the trip and you had an amazing time!

  7. Oh, these bookstores are all so charming, I'd have to bring a second suitcase to pack home all the books I bought... ;-)

    1. Right?! You'd HAVE to bring an empty suitcase! That is the only possible route because I have no control when it comes to books haha. :D

  8. You would LOVE The Book Barn!!!! To add to your list, PRINT in Portland! It's so cool! :-D

    1. I WANT TO GO SO BAD! And I'll DEFINITELY add PRINT to my list!! :D <3
