
Tuesday, October 2, 2018

[Top Ten Tuesday] Authors I'd Love To Meet

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish but is currently being run by That Artsy Reader Girl. A prompt is given each week, and I hope to do it every week so I always have something going up on Tuesdays. This week I am talking about the authors I'd love to someday meet! Most book signing tours stop in Boston, which is a long long drive from where I live. One day it would be really cool to maybe meet these authors just to tell them how much they & their books mean to me.

So in no particular order let's jump right into it!

V.E./Victoria Schwab

I look up to Schwab so much as a writer and as a person. She's one of those authors that not only is incredibly talented but she is also super humble and down to earth. She has been active on Instagram Stories for a long time now and it's been so much fun to see her writing process and get to know her more. If I met her I'd probably tell her how inspiring she is and how I grateful I am that I found her books. I think she's writing books that should be consider classics in years down the road. To be able to meet her would be a dream. That is something that can be said for all of these authors.

Angie Thomas 

I love Angie Thomas. She's so funny on social media and I find her personality and humor great. I love her book, The Hate U Give, and cannot wait to read her next book On the Come Up. I think I get really anxious at the idea of meeting authors, but the ones I am listening today (Angie Thomas specifically) all seem down to earth enough that I don't feel any fear at meeting them. If anything I wish I can one day. I love Angie's friendship with so many of the authors I read and follow.

Becky Albertalli 

Becky is the embodiment of sunshine. Her books in the Simonverse (Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda & Leah on the Offbeat) are both incredibly popular. However, my favorite book of hers is her third (released second) book, The Upside of Unrequited, which is in the same universe as the other two but with mostly a completely new set of characters. I would absolutely thank her for that book. If I could send teenage me a stack of books, this would definitely be one of them.

Julie Murphy

Julie has written two books in the same world that have fat main characters, my favorite being Puddin'. I think Julie is one of my biggest inspirations as both a writer and someone who promotes body positivity. She's one of my favorite people and I look uip to her so much.

Sarah Glenn Marsh

Sarah is one of my favorite people and someone I consider a close friend. She is an fantastic writer who has written the Reign of the Fallen duology. Which I highly recommend (the second and final book, Song of the Dead comes out January 2019). I have never met Sarah in person, and I am hoping October 2019 we can rectify that and meet! I just want to hug her and thank her for being such a good friend to me the past year.

Noelle Stevenson 

Noelle Stevenson is the creator of Nimona, the artist in LumberJanes and she also does art for the Runaways. She's one of my favorite artists and will be doing the art for the new She Ra television show I am so excited for. I absolutely love her artwork and her stories like Nimona. I feel like I can re-read Nimona over and over again and love it just as much if not more. I just want Noelle Stevenson to get all the jobs so she can keep growing.

Tomi Adeyemi 

If you follow Tomi on Instagram (especially stories) you know she's an absolute goofball. She's so funny and charming. She is the author of the very popular book series Children of Blood and Bone, which deserves all the hype and had a movie deal before the book was even released. I think I'd want to meet her just because I think she's a really great person and a fantastic writer.

Neil Gaiman

Gaiman is another author that is writing books that should be considered classics in however many years time. They're so well written and complex. I love them so much and I definitely want to read more. I think meeting authors like Gaiman is a once in a lifetime chance. I think out of all the authors on this list, he would be the most intimidating. I am not sure why, but I wouldn't let it stop me from meeting him and thanking him for his books. I know he's written so many amazing ones, but Coraline holds my heart like no other.

John Green

I've been reading John's books for the past decade, and it would be a dream to thank him for his books. Especially his newest one, Turtles All the Way Down. TAtWD's main character has OCD and anxiety and although I cannot speak personally on the OCD rep (however, I have heard good things) the anxiety described in the book is almost pin point exactly how I can get. Which was both jarring and relieving to read about. I think it's more than just his books, I'd want to thank him also for making all the internet content he makes with his brother. It is the reason why I am apart of so many Nerdfighter FaceBook pages where I have met so many amazing people.

Jody Houser

Jody Houser is one of the creators of the comic book series Faith, which is a spin off of a bigger superhero group comic series. Faith is a fat superhero where her weight is never brought up and she's not only treated like a normal person (which sounds ridiculous but you'd be surprised at how rare that is for fat characters) but she's also competent and confident. I would thank her so much for Faith and for giving me the chance to see myself positively in a comic book series. 

Thanks for reading!


  1. I have yet to read any of V.E. Schwab's work! I keep hearing great things about her though so I really need to. Here is our Top Ten Tuesday

  2. Hope you have the chance to someday meet all of these authors, Heather! Happy Top Ten Tuesday. :)

  3. Several of these people are so nice online. I hope you get to meet some of them.

    1. Yes! I have talked to a handful of them online and they've been nothing but sweet. Which is why I think I am less anxious about meeting them one day. Thank you so much Brooke! <3

  4. I've been lucky enough to meet VE Schwab a couple of times, she is so sweet and awesome and she even gave me writing advice when I asked a question at one of her events! I'd also really love to meet Tomi Adeyemi, I just missed her when she was here for YALC because her signing line was too long.
    My TTT:

    1. That is AMAZING! I want to meet her so badly, just watching her on Instagram stories I can tell that she's so sweet. Tomi would be so cool because of how inspiring she is!

      I'll check out yours now! <3

  5. Great choices! I'm looking forward to trying Reign of the Fallen soon. ;)

    Check out my TTT, my book bingo update, and my FraterFest Readathon TBR

    1. Thank you!! I want EVERYONE to read Reign!! :D the sequel is even better! I'll check out your TTT now!
