
Friday, December 22, 2017

[Book Blogger Hop] December 22-28th

Book Blogger Hop's purpose is to give bloggers a chance to discover and follow other blogs, learn about new books, befriend bloggers, and gain followers. Each week the hop will start on a Friday and end on Thursday where there will be a weekly prompt following a bookish question.

Have you ever asked co-workers to give you a book or a B&N gift card if they got your name for a secret Santa gift exchange? If so, did you get what you asked for?

I have never participated in a work environment secret Santa, typically we got each other something small and that was it. But even if I did, I think it ruins the fun to ask for something. It's supposed to be anonymous, so 1. you wouldn't know who to ask and 2. isn't it more fun to get a surprise? To see what that person thinks you'd like? If I want a book or a gift card I'll ask someone I know is getting me a gift (or get it myself). I would want to experience the fun of the secret Santa anonymity.

I don't get books for gifts very often, the only time I can really think of it is when I do a book swap with my friend (and fellow book blogger Erica Robyn)! :) 

Thanks for reading!


  1. Books are always good gifts.

    ENJOY your weekend.

    1. Yeah they are!

      And thank you! I hope you enjoy your weekend/holiday also! :)

  2. Only one of my previous jobs did a Secret Santa exchange and we included lists. We also revealed who our Secret Santa was when we exchanged gifts.
