Monday, July 30, 2018

July Wrap-Up

This is my monthly post where I talk about how the month went for me when it came to reading and some events that maybe sparked me to read more (or stopped me from reading as much as I wanted to). I also link all the reviews I did in the month, update any reading challenges I've signed up for, discuss my plans for the following month, non-book things I've enjoyed, and give updates of my life. This year I have decided that I am not making a big deal on how many books I read or letting myself feel any guilt for the amount I didn't read. I am just going to read what sounds good in the moment without any guilt or pressure. I hope everyone has had a fantastic reading month and that next month goes even better!  Let's jump into how July went for me!

* = favorites

Book Reviews

An Enchantment of Ravens by Margaret Rogerson
Scythe by Neal Shusterman
And I Darken by Kiersten  White *
Orange: Volume Two by Ichigo Takano
Undead Girl Gang by Lily Anderson *
Daughter of the Burning City by Amanda Foody

My Other Posts 

Most Intimidating Books
Short Stories & Novellas
Memories Connected to Books
BookTube-A-Thon TBR

Movies/TV Shows (Finished) 

Your Name* -This movie is straight up adorable. I cried and laughed and it was everything. It is this Japanese animated film drama about a boy and girl who plan to meet up after magically swapping bodies. It's so so good and I highly recommend it.

Currently Watching 

Charmed* - I have been slacking a bit when it comes to watching this. I am still absolutely loving it but I have been doing a lot more writing this month because of Camp NaNoWriMo, which has taken away a lot of my television time. I am hoping to get back into it in  August (after BookTube-A-Thon of course).

Sailor Moon* - I am LOVING my re-watch of this. There have been moments I remember from my childhood but overall a lot of the details feel very new to me despite it being one of my favorites when I was little. Usagi and Makoto (Moon & Jupiter) are my favorites.

Sabrina the Teenage Witch - So, this is so weird for me. I hated this show growing up, and I kind of still do. But I am also enjoying parts of it. It's entertaining and sometimes, but rarely, funny. I just don't think it's my kind of show. But I am excited for the new reboot and I wanted to watch the entirety of this show before the reboot was released. The new one looks spooky and so much better than this one. But it's kind of "so bad its entertaining" for me, so I don't mind powering through. However, I can't watch more than one or two episodes a day before having to tap out.

The Bachelorette - This has been fine. I am really into the Bachelor: Paradise show but it is not fun to watch if you don't have the backstories of each of the people so watching Bachelor/Bachelorette is kind of like required for me. I think this season has been okay so far. I think a lot of the really good guys have already gone home so it's getting a bit boring.

Orange* - Once I am done with Orange: Future, the final installment of the story (which is on my TBR for booktube-a-thon) I am planning on finishing this Anime! I just didn't want to spoil myself so I paused my watching.

Movie Trailers I Am Excited About!  

To All The Boys I've Loved Before - This looks SO CUTE. I've had this book on my kindle for far too long and I need to read it soon. I would like to read it before the movie is available on Netflix but we will have to see. Either way I am reading it sometime in August, just not sure if it'll be before or after I watch the movie.


Flappy Dunk* - This game is basically Flappy  Bird but you get this basketball into a hoop over and over again. It's absolutely ridiculous but for some reason it's incredibly soothing to me and helps me wind down if I am feeling anxious. I think it is because I am focusing all my energy onto the game. It's fun, and the more you play the more customizable your basketball is. Now I have a beach ball with super pretty wings.

Infinite Spanish - This is a game that basically teaches you Spanish. I am super new to it but I have been having fun.

Co-Star* - This app is all about your star charts and all that astrology goodness. I am new to learning about this kind of thing but I have been incredibly interested. I think this app is super helpful in learning about astrology and its about me personally which is a lot of fun.

Favorite Blogs in the Bookish World

Destiny @ Howling Libraries: BookTube-A-Thon TBR & BookTube Shout Outs
Erica @ Erica Robyn Reads: Interview with Martin Ferguson
Deanna @ Deanna Reads Books: Reviewing Audiobooks Is Actually Really Hard

Writing & Life Updates 

Writing went really well this month! Matt and I participated in Camp NaNo and we both did really well!  We decided our goal would only be 15,000 words (500 words/day) because we wanted to get back into a writing schedule without stressing ourselves out. I think we were successful! We plan on writing 4-5 days a week (and hopefully increasing it as we go) and we have been doing that pretty well. I think I am taking a week off for the first week of  August to focus on the BookTube-A-Thon. For life updates, my fiance, Matt, got his job promotion which has been great! But we have been also struggling with getting used to his new schedule. We are getting there. Some days it seems like we have it down, and other times we feel like we are failing. Hopefully we get the hand of this soon, but until then I'll be living off of tea and coffee.

August Plans 

I know I've mentioned it enough, but I'll be doing the Booktube-A-Thon that is starting mightnight July 30 and ending 11:59PM August 5th.  So it's a week long. I have my TBR linked above, if you are interested in knowing what  I will be reading. Or if you just want more about the event. I am not sure if I have anything else planned. I plan on focusing on writing the moment the readathon is over . I'd like to finish the Conquerer's Saga by Kiersten White. And I want to read To All The Boys I've Loved Before before the movie comes out. Other than that, we will see.

What was your favorite read of July? What are your plans for August? Do you also plan on participating in the BookTube-A-Thon? Tell me below!

Thanks for reading!



  1. Oh thanks so much for linking to my post! 😄 I LOVE sailor moon! I am also so guilty of not reading to all the boys I loved before!

    1. Of course! I loved your post!! And oooh do you have a favorite Scout?! It'd been my obsession as of late. I feel like I am little all over again. Thanks to Hulu for having it haha. And yeah! I need to get on it. The trailer looks amazing. :D

    2. Yes, I LOVE Sailor Pluto even though she's not in it much.

    3. I haven't met Pluto yet!! I am excited to though! :D

  2. Wow congrats on all the writing! I am so flipping impressed. You seriously inspire me. I've been so bad with writing recently ;) I gave up on NaNo cos my story needed reworking, and now I'm struggling to get back to it. But congrats!! I'm so glad it's going well for you :)

    AHHHHH that trailer for ATBILB!! I am so excited to watch that movie!

    1. Thank you so much!! If you need a writing buddy just message me on twitter or instagram! :D <3

      And ahhhh me too!! It looks so goooood!

  3. You still read so much- you should be really happy!

    Hollie |
