Friday, April 27, 2018

[Book Blogger Hop] April 27th-May 3rd: Writing Letters to Authors

Book Blogger Hop's purpose is to give bloggers a chance to discover and follow other blogs, learn about new books, befriend bloggers, and gain followers. Each week the hop will start on a Friday and end on Thursday where there will be a weekly prompt following a bookish question.


Have you ever thought of writing a respectful, but angry letter to an author to ask them WHY they killed off one of your favorite characters in a novel? (submitted by Maria @ A Night's Dream of Books).


Of course! Well, not seriously. But I have always pretended I'd do it. However, I feel like it's way easier to do this through social media. I read a book a couple months back that a friend of mine wrote, and I was so grateful to be able to message her and be like WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME?! And of course, she laughed and then told me I need to be prepared for the bloodshed that happens in the next book of the series hahaha. But overall I think it's really easy to connect/communicate with your favorite authors now, especially through Twitter and Instagram. Of course, always be respectful to the authors you're communicating with though. They are real people where the characters you've attached to are fictional. It is easy to get caught up in the story you've loved but please be respectful. 

Thanks for reading!


  1. I don't think I've ever communicated with an author over something like that though I have yelled at people who have recommended particular books to me. It's very cathartic!

  2. Yes! Fangirling/Ranting to other bookish friends feels amazing. It's very therapeutic :D

  3. Heather I've definitely thought about it regarding different situations, not death but more when Authors wrap up the main character but you kind of don't know what happened to previous characters.

    Angelica @ Paperback Princess

    1. Ooooh yea same here! That is such a good point and I agree. I feel like I am more interested in knowing what happens to the characters after the story is over instead of wanting to know why an author killed a specific character.

  4. I've never considered writing to an author for justification for a character death, but I understand that a lot of people may be angry about the way that a character is treated. However, I do agree that you definitely have to remain respectful, because it's their story and their creation after all. Social media is so great - it's made communicating and interacting with people you admire so much easier.

    Feel free to check out my Book Blogger Hop answer if you wish! :)

    - Charlotte (InkBlottings)

    1. Yeah! I think being respectful is always important. I will check out your post now! :)

  5. I know this is a big thing to do on social media, especially if the author already has an account to interact with their fans, only to get hate and death threats when they kill of a beloved character. But for me, I don't take it personal. I really don't care, in fact, I like it when someone important dies because that's apart of life. The people we love die!! Don't send authors hate and death threats just because you can't handle their death. How do you think the author felt when they had to outline their fave's death?!
    My BBH

    1. Yeah!! I think some people take it a bit too personal, but honestly it seems ridiculous. I DO love using social media to rave/gush about my favorites to authors though. I think sometimes the negative can be louder than the positives so I don't think it's necessary to tag an author in any negative reviews about their books.
