Thursday, March 29, 2018

[Book Review] The Spectacular Sisterhood of Superwomen by Hope Nicholson

A woman's place is saving the universe.

Think comic books can t feature strong female protagonists? Think again! In The Spectacular Sisterhood of Superwomen you ll meet the most fascinating exemplars of the powerful, compelling, entertaining, and heroic female characters who've populated comic books from the very beginning. This spectacular sisterhood includes costumed crimebusters like Miss Fury, super-spies like Tiffany Sinn, sci-fi pioneers like Gale Allen, and even kid troublemakers like Little Lulu. With vintage art, publication details, a decade-by-decade survey of industry trends and women s roles in comics, and spotlights on iconic favorites like Wonder Woman and Ms. Marvel, The Spectacular Sisterhood of Superwomen proves that not only do strong female protagonists belong in comics, they ve always been there."


My fiancé borrowed this book for me from the library on International Women's Day because he thought I'd enjoy it, and I did! It was a lot of fun to read. 

There are around a hundred of lady superheroes in this non-fiction book! Which is a lot, which means the writer didn't have too much time with each character. I wish we had longer chapters with the really popular ones because I would have liked to know more about some of my favorite superheroes. Especially since for the superheroes I loved that are brought up in this book, I already knew the information that was given. However,  I did learn a lot about other superhero women. I am  not sure if I retained all the information since there was a lot of women to read about but I had a lot of fun reading about them. I also loved seeing all of the artwork for the specific comics and the different styles. I was shocked at how many I recognized the art from but didn't recognize the names of the superhero.

The writing is well done, and sometimes even funny. I assumed it would feel like a textbook but for superheroes, which I was fine with because it was about a topic I was interested in learning about. And although it is similar, the writing is comical and the author's voice shines through. It felt like  I was sitting with the author and she was telling me information about these hundred superwomen. So that was a really fun aspect of reading this book. 

Overall if you're a fan of superwomen or want to get into reading more superwomen comics this is a great book to pick up. I think if you want a handful of information about a lot of different superwomen so you can decide which ones to get volumes of issues of this is a great start. I wrote down some names of superheroes I found interesting and wanted to know more about. I already requested some Alias: Jessica Jones comics from my library in excitement for reading more comics with superhero women as the focus. If you have any suggestions I'd love some! I am always up for more superwomen comics to read.

Thanks for reading!                 

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